L to R: Jeremy Lipking, Kris Lewis, Lori Early, Helen Garber, Matthew Bone, Justin Giarla, Paul Chatem, Henry Lewis, Chris Pugliese, Will.i.am, Trae King, Thierry Guetta aka Mr. Brainwash, Shawn barber

Me with Will.i.am and my
dad Ronald Lipking

Joseph Todorovitch

The Wonder Girls
Wow, Jeremy! What a cool, fun looking group of people! The top pic that is... Well, the bottom pic looks quite fun also.
Wow, you are sure lucky to take pictures with the Wonder Girls!
Wow you and Will.i.am look like two diamonds in the ruff, great attire... and on top of that you have a father looks like Paul Newman. Just calling it as I see it. :-)
Wondergirls are awesome.
dude your rockstardom knows no bounds. Really random. I'm an old friend of Justin Giarla. how'd he end up at this event. He's runnin a gallery in SF right?
I love your work - I love how your subjects emerge from their positions in a very interactive three dimensional way. It's as if the viewer can't remain anonymous - but is forced to acknowledge the subject.
"In dreams I drift unaware, but the moonlight breathes itself into me, and I awake knowing and better than before."
Thanks - I'm fiery, but so raw, that I have to learn from seeing.
Ok... so I decided I wasn't going to be jealous, but then I saw the bottom pic. *whew* That's really hot.
Where can I get a set of "Wonder Girls"?
Lookin' suave J!
After viewing a lot of video of the event, and looking at photos from many sources on the www, Snoop's painting was "THE" only one that made this artist's heart jump each time I saw it.
Addendum to previous post:
...because the "painting" was so incredibly awesome. (wink)
It's inspiring to see such mainstream things happening in the name of traditional, contemporary art. It's nice to see these first-rate organizations that have caught on to its' importance.
Man, are you getting enough time to paint with all of these events going on? Ha ha. Those are some sporty duds.
Looks like fun was had by all :)
Stunning portrait by the way!
WOW how the heck did you pose with the Wonder Girls?? Jeremy Lipking with Wonder Girls, last thing I imagined to see happening. Man you must do a ton of networking.
Yeah the Wonder Girls are pretty sweet, I didnt even know who they were until the day after the art show when people were writing about us online.
I don't expect to see artists that work in the traditional style mingle with Hollywood type people (totally opposite arena of people, quiet artist vs crowd catching actors). It's interesting to see what you've achieved in the field. I discovered the Wonder Girls by a lucky accident too (watched one of their youtube music vids), and was totally shocked how their quality eclipsed the American equivalent yet they are pretty much virtually unknown internationally. Seriously I felt us Americans are deprived of real entertainment after watching their work. From the looks of it, it's starting to change. They're setting out to build an empire of conquering everyone's hearts, with Lipking's already claimed. Hah!
What a cool, fun looking group of people!
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Now that I pay more attention, you seriously look like a pimp in these photos. Not kidding.
ahh envy!
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