Friday, May 1, 2009

My painting in the film The Maiden Heist

My painting The Lonely Maiden is starring alongside Morgan Freeman, Christopher Walken and William H. Macy in the upcoming film The Maiden Heist.
When I first met with the director he opened up the Gabriel Weisberg book Beyond Impressionism: the Naturalist Impulse, (which is probably the most worn out book on my shelf) and said "we need something like this" a painting in the manner of Naturalist painters George Clausen, Emile Friant and Jules Bastien Lepage. I had to finish the painting in 7 days, it normally would have taken me a month or longer to do something this size. I got artist model Toni Czechorosky help me out with the period costume.
The story is about museum security guard Roger (Christopher Walken) who's favorite painting The Lonely Maiden is being sold to a European museum to make room for a modern installation of Dung art. Roger and two other guards come up with a plan to steal the original painting and replace it with a reproduction. Tony and I got to see a screening of the film and we thought it was hilarious. Make sure to go out and see it when its released and tell your friends too because it probably wont have a huge advertising budget. Here's an article about the film in Artnews.
Thanks to Jennifer Long at Film Art LA for getting me the Maiden Heist project.

Christopher Walken with the painting.


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Unknown said...

Dang, that's a tight schedule. You got something beautiful to them in such a short amount of time. Sounds like a good flick to see.

Jason Peck said...

Hey Jeremy,

Very cool news. Ill definitely check the movie out. The painting is beautiful.

Best Jason

Unknown said...

F'N Gorgeous!!! Look forward to seeing the movie!

Mark Bridges said...

This is great. Now you have a "beat that" to tease your buds with.

CassieMarie said...

Wonderful Painting! Kudos to you for getting it done so quickly!
Sounds like it will be a great movie.

innisart said...

Dude, that's awesome! What became of the painting after filming? Did Walken keep the Dung Installation after the film wrapped up?

Gregory Becker said...

Sounds like a good movie. I love Walken.
Good painting.

Gwen said...

Congratulations! And way to stay focused in the short timeline. It look great! Can't wait to see the flick.

Andrew Olson said...

What a cool gig! Beautiful painting as always-

Rodney Fuentebella said...

Nice! That's pretty movie star craziness man! That's should feel crazy cool to see your work that is normally in print or in galleries in such a different medium. Btw... nice running into you and your family in Utretcht last week.

Daniel Peci said...

Walken looks awesome with the painting!

Larry Brooks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nicholas Coleman Art said...

that looks pretty sweet--


susan hong-sammons said...

Excellent,- painting, book, and most likely the film too!

Emm said...

Love the painting, can't wait to see the movie!

There is another movie coming out -

I wonder who painted the paintings for this one?

ambera said...

That's very, very cool.

sebastian meyer said...

Great paintings, most certainly!

adebanji said...

You're the one! Love to hear of your moves! Inspirational!

Michael Lynn Adams said...

Wow! Seven day! Welcome to Hollywood!

My wife works in the television industry, I understand. Take solace that it was probably a few days more that the composer got to do the score.

Congrats on the beautiful painting and the great exposure.

Takeyce Walter said...

WHAT! That's awesome news! Congrats! The painting is gorgeous.

william wray said...

Cool I hope you got a pile of money to do it.

Lorin Friesen said...

What a fine commission!

I had some of my work in Robocop, the executive's house that got blown up. These high tech computer stations were built for the "Future Home" in Dallas in the mid 80's, all pre-internet.

Well done Jeremy

L.Holm said...

Amazing! congratulations!

tonypetersart said...

Can't wait to see the movie, sounds like a great premise, and the painting looks awesome!

Missed you at the CAC Gold Medal Show this year.

Jennifer McChristian said...

Hi Jeremy,

Just received your recent newsletter and found out about this incredibly awesome news! Congrats and way to go!
Can't wait to see the movie.
I happen to be a HUGE fan of Christopher Walken and your paintings. What a combo! :)

Therin Brooks said...

awesome! i can't wait to see the movie, that's so freakin cool!

Toni Czechorosky said...

Jeremy it was so wonderful and inspiring to work as the model for this painting with you!!! My costume and "neck down" collaboration with your artistic genius will make the film amazing! It was a great, great experience....Love the shot of Chris Walken holding me up...


Anonymous said...

In much later centuries, I think this painting will be one of the most expensive. It already made history for itself by starring on a film. Congrats! :)

Kristy Gordon said...

holy man! That's awesome! Congratulations J!!!

Chick Curtis said...

Thanks for the update on your art events. What a great turn of events. Can't wait to catch the movie (Walken, Freeman, and Macy are among my favorites) It's a treat watching your career take off. I very much appreciate the workshops. All the best to you. Don't forget to say "hi" to Ernie Nemesio when you see him. Chick Curtis

Unknown said...

It looks beautiful, and just what they were asking for.
Is the painting on display anywhere?

Deborah Lazar said...

Your paintings are spectacular. I'd love to see a better image of this one. The expression in her pose says it all. Christopher Walken is my favorite actor. Therefore this movie will be a double feature for me. Thanks for posting.

Deborah Lazar

Anonymous said...

I love your work of course, but I would like to thankyou for the introduction to Beuirt..I heard them on your web page. I just love listening to them. I shall be sure to see the movie when it screens in Australia.

Anonymous said...

So, does your art represent the poor taste of a deranged security guard? Fantastic! Congrats!

-Trolling for the Truth

Anonymous said...

WOW! you sure painted it really fast! 7 days?! totally rad!


Looking forward to seeing the movie!

Jack said...

Eagerly waiting for your movie...nice to see that one i guess..Thanks for the post..

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LaForestGump said...

I'm watching the movie now, and scouring the internet for information about the painting. As soon as I saw it, it spoke to me. I was quite surprised to learn it was a modern work, and shocked that so much soul is in a work that only took seven days. I'm dying for a copy so that I can stare at it myself for a few years. I'm very impressed!

fredh said...

Just watched The Maiden Heist. Any chance there will be prints available (of The Lonely Maiden)? It is a beautiful painting.

Allison said...

Just watched The Maiden Heist on dvd last night. The movie was cute, but your painting was stunningly beautiful!Please let me know if you ever have any prints available. I could almost become as obsessed with it as was Christopher Walken :-)

Susan Vaughn said...

Wow Jeremy! What a painting! My hubby and I rented the movie this evening because Marcia Gay Harding is in it - we both went to high school with her and watch all of her movies. Anyway, I am an artist in oils and love these artsy movies - my favorite being "The Thomas Crown Affair." As a matter of fact, I am getting ready to do a reproduction of Christian Vincent's work "Certain Uncertainties" to hang in our foyer together with my copy of "Son of Man" by Rene Magritte. In the movie The Maiden Heist I immediately fell in love with your painting. It is a magnificent work. Isn't it amazing what you can accomplish in a short time when you are forced to focus? I would love to have a giclee print of your work, Jeremy. I love all of your work.

Susan Vaughn

DallasDeckard said...

Unfortunately this film didn't make it to the big screen, because the producer's distribution company went belly up and he had sold the DVD and pay-per-view right to Sony (I believe). Anyway, there is an article in one of the Hollywood trades about how a movie with four Oscar winners went straight to DVD (a travesty). A quick Google will find it.

That is how I saw the film, on DVD. It's a cute, little film. Nothing challenging or ground-breaking in it, except your mind-blowing painting. I loved the movie nonetheless. I'm a big fan of what I call "rainy day movies", that might not stretch the zeitgeist, but they entertain and make you feel good. When you get right down to it, isn't that what art is really for? Or more accurately a principle, foundational component? How it makes us feel, how it inspires us? Oh, that and making the artist a lot of money. ;-)

Anyway, I love, love, loved your painting and that is how I found out about you. I did a search for the title of the painting (thinking, "huh, I've never seen this before") and your name came up. I was thinking your work reminds me (a bit) of the paintings they used in the film (P.S. with Laura Linney) for the title character's work. Seems on the same wavelength of realism, though your work has a much more haunting, tactile quality (despite how disparate those two terms seem).

There is no page for you on Wiki (just a link on Tony Pro's page labeling you as a classmate), but I created a stub and will work on it this weekend or over the Thanksgiving holiday. Seems absurd that you would have no Wiki page (considering the fact that much lesser talents have a page).

Have a happy Thanksgiving...

Unknown said...

I just saw the movie and loved the painting, and searched Google .. hoping I'd find a place I could buy a poster reproduction of the painting. I had no idea it was painted especially for the movie, but I still want a copy. Are you selling them anywhere?

Mandy Marksteiner said...

I just watched the movie with my husband and we wanted to know if it was a "real" painting, so we googled it and found you. What an awesome opportunity, and I love the painting.

Unknown said...

Just saw the movie on DVD, loved it, and loved your painting too. Good work!

Daniel in Rose's Florida said...

The painting is magical and hauntingly beautiful. Made for the moment.

Kimberly Lennox said...

I just saw the movie last night and your painting was really beautiful!
Funny movie.

Joe ("Charlie Brown") said...

Just watched the Maiden Heist and was captivated by the alluring lonely maiden. I actually decided to google it to try and find a print and found this post. Great piece and loved the film!

lipking said...

Thanks everyone for your comments. No it is not available as a print, I cant release one myself because I don't own the rights to the image.

Sergiu Cioban said...

Just seen the movie. Great job with the painting! Greetings from Transylvania!

Double O said...

My wife and I watched the movie last night, and as everyone else that has posted, the picture is wonderful. Question, who painted the other picture - Woman with Cats? Enjoyable film, actores and painting.

lipking said...

Thanks Double O, the artist who painted the woman with cats painting is Hal Yaskulka.

zissumanter said...

Hello Great Painter,
Thank you for your beautiful work on "Lonely maiden". It has the "familiar uh huh feeling " to it.You can consider me a loyal follower my good friend. I will try and visit your site to see more news about your work.Please keep up with the good work of being creative look so easy. That is ART!

Anonymous said...

I was very impressed with the painting, and wanted to see more from the painter. I thought it was a classical painting, and googled it. Was very surprised to hear that it's a recent painting done for the movie :) Very good work, the lady has delicately European features and her pose is exquisite.

Good movie, too!

Jia Lu said...

Hi Jeremy, I just saw the Maiden Heist last night. Very funny and the paintings were wonderful. It's lovely to see emotionally moving art as the subject of a movie.

Anonymous said...

I fell in love with your painting when I saw the movie a couple of months ago. I didn't know it was a mock up done for the movie. I guess I wouldn't consider it a mockup...I'm no art genius but when I saw it I fell in love with it. It's beautiful

Anonymous said...

sensitive piece of art, the maid.seen it right now and felt a little deja vu as if you happened to show your art at the Ann Arbor art fair or something like that..??

Charlotte (WaltzingM) said...

Just watched the movie on Netflix Instant Watch and loved your painting enough to Google it and find you! I am amazed you completed a painting of that size and quality in 7 days. It is gorgeous! I have a print of Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring which is one of my favorite portraits and would love to have a print of the Lonely Maiden, too! Please let me know if one becomes available.

Anonymous said...

I think your painting "The Lonely Maiden" is beautiful. And to think it was done in such a short amount of time. I would love a print of it too. Any chance?

Anna C. Morrison said...

I saw the movie on Netflix today and wondered if the painting was historical, so I googled it. Your creation is entirely believable and utterly gorgeous! I can't believe you did this in seven days. Wonderful!

jimmy.hosio said...

Cool. I have too see the movie again and look for your painting. We have a painting "starring" in our upcoming feature too. Take a look at my website link if your interested.

Anonymous said...

Just watched the movie on Encore, loved it...googled the painting and found you...wonderful and beautiful...haunting. Great job!

Thomas Roy said...

Stunning and compelling work, Jeremy. Truly. Love your portfolio, too.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful painting! But what's become of it?
Is it on sale?

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1stCMalaysia said...

So George Clausen never painted 'A Lonely Maiden', it is actually your creation, following Naturalist's styel?

1stCMalaysia said...

So what are the names of the 2 other pieces? Seen this movie on tv, but it was in Malaysia, so it was chopped(butchered), so I have no idea what the other pieces are.

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Fine painting and one of best movies I watched recently

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Priya Rana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Priya Rana said...

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