Friday, May 1, 2009

My painting in the film The Maiden Heist

My painting The Lonely Maiden is starring alongside Morgan Freeman, Christopher Walken and William H. Macy in the upcoming film The Maiden Heist.
When I first met with the director he opened up the Gabriel Weisberg book Beyond Impressionism: the Naturalist Impulse, (which is probably the most worn out book on my shelf) and said "we need something like this" a painting in the manner of Naturalist painters George Clausen, Emile Friant and Jules Bastien Lepage. I had to finish the painting in 7 days, it normally would have taken me a month or longer to do something this size. I got artist model Toni Czechorosky help me out with the period costume.
The story is about museum security guard Roger (Christopher Walken) who's favorite painting The Lonely Maiden is being sold to a European museum to make room for a modern installation of Dung art. Roger and two other guards come up with a plan to steal the original painting and replace it with a reproduction. Tony and I got to see a screening of the film and we thought it was hilarious. Make sure to go out and see it when its released and tell your friends too because it probably wont have a huge advertising budget. Here's an article about the film in Artnews.
Thanks to Jennifer Long at Film Art LA for getting me the Maiden Heist project.

Christopher Walken with the painting.

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